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--Rabindranath Tagore
"Begin at the beginning and go on till you
come to the end: then stop." |
ASTROLOGY CAN HELP YOU GROW . . . "For if in any manner we can stimulate this instinct, new passages are opened for us into nature, the mind flows into and through things hardest and highest, and the metamorphosis is possible." --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wouldn't you like to know more about where your life can take you? Astrology is a valuable tool which can help you more clearly understand your current cycle and provide insights as to whether it is a time to reap, or a time to sow. The answers to many important questions can truly be found through the use of astrology. Gwen Oana's experience:
Gwen's California-based Astrology practice is one that encourages clients to take responsibility for life by learning to blend the spiritual elements with the material. Our greatest growth and maturity usually follows a difficult Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto cycle. Once we get to the other side of this challenging period we can begin to see "the bigger picture," and that we had outgrown the people, places and things that may have ended during these cycles. It's as though the universe stepped in and created "space" so that we could take the next step in our evolutionary journey. Utilizing the ancient wisdom that astrology provides, Gwen's readings are clearly focused, positive, and totally non-judgmental. She also includes the tarot and numerology as focusing tools in her sessions. Gwen offers her clients an opportunity to see themselves and their lives from a totally different perspective. An interpretation of your personalized natal birth chart can assist you in identifying your strengths, as well as, your weaknesses. It will also clearly define your current cycle; the lessons involving this cycle and just how close you are to accomplishing your short- and long-term goals. Understanding your chart can provide clarity in determining what path you need to follow in order to accomplish your life purpose. Be the first in your circle of friends to host this super-interesting, star-filled gathering (with a minimum of 6 people). Experience private readings by Gwen in your own festive, supportive setting. If you choose to, you can enjoy discussing the results of your personal readings with each other and marvel at the revealing specifics you'll share. Call for details and start making your plans. You'll be amazed at how much people love this social event! Telephone Contact (951) 694-6323
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